Benefits of Ultraviolet Laser (UVL)
UVL enhances the blood cell functions and heals inflammation safely and naturally. UVL stimulates blood oxidation in the body. It also enhances the function of the red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets.. It also has the following benefits:
Radiate natural antibiotics in microorganism elimination
Healing of inflammation

Radiation used for treatment
Blood oxidation combine with UV, red and green lights to boost blood cell functions. The benefits are as follows:
UV stimulates oxidation and sterilization
Green light increases red blood cells’ flexibility to better access the capillaries.
Red light directly stimulates mitochondria of red and white blood cells plus other cells to help Cytochrome C Oxidase to function better and reduce cell inflammation.
Treatment procedure
UV laser treatment can be done directly into the body. The physician does not need to draw blood outside the body. The procedure starts from sodium chloride injection into a vein. A syringe is attached to an optical fiber cable. The treatment period is one hour. UV is emitted during the first 30 minutes, green light is emitted during the last 30 minutes, while red light is emitted through 60 minutes.

Suitable candidates for UVL treatment?
Those who want to stimulate cell metabolism. Oxidation is cellular detoxification can be done as prevention of disease.
Patients with chronic diseases, such as HIV, hepatitis, arthritis, diseases from coxsackie virus, herpes, herpes zoster, influenza, tuberculosis and pneumonia
Those with risk factors of arterial diseases such as hypertension, diabetes and cardiovascular disease.
Patients with low immunity, immunity disorders, such as SLE and allergies.
Rheumatoid patients
Cancer patients (in conjunction with other medical treatment)
Those who want to eliminate microorganisms in the body
Those suffering from chronic exhaustion
Limitations of UVL treatment
It is not suitable for people with very small arteries due to the size of the intravenous cannula.
After treatment
UVL stimulates the function of the blood and immune system. If your body has microorganisms, white blood cells will immediately get rid of them. As a result, during the treatment, you may feel feverish. The symptoms can be relieved by drinking large amounts of water and getting plenty of rest after the treatment.
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