Cell stimulation, degeneration and prevention against mutation
Hematogenous oxidation therapy (H.O.T) stimulates hematogenous oxidation to improve the function of platelets, red and white blood cells:
Platelets: With hematogenous oxidation, platelets release pendred delight growth factor which restores and repairs many organs including vessel walls and strengthens the cells.
Red blood cells: With hematogenous oxidation, red blood cells can carry plus transfer oxygen and nutrients better. Adequate oxygen and nutrient transferred to cells contributes to more efficient cellular metabolism plus more energy generation. On the contrary, if oxygen and nutrients are inadequately transferred, the cells can be lack of both oxygen and energy. This is especially so in the case of persons with high toxins. It can impede metabolism or acidic blood from unhealthy food intake. As a result, cellular metabolism is inefficient and generates less energy. Inadequate energy accelerates cell degeneration, mutation or cell death.
White blood cells: With hematogenous oxidation, enzymes in white blood cells can function better. They can get rid of microorganisms, reduce inflammation and repair cells more efficiently.
Regenerative medicine approach aims to resolve health issues at the root cause. Therefore, it strongly emphasizes on improving metabolism at the cellular level.

Benefits of H.O.T at the cellular level
H.O.T. stimulates hematogenous oxidation and cellular metabolism. Hematogenous oxidation boosts the cell blood function and generates blood oxyanions. Blood oxyanions can help improve metabolism throughout the body.
Two techniques of H.O.T
H.O.T OZONE: 100-200 cc of blood is drawn from the body. Blood oxidation is stimulated by ozone from an ozone generator. Then, the treated blood is injected into the body.
H.O.T UV: The blood is drawn and added with oxygen. UV starts the bio-chemical reaction in the blood to bring about cellular blood oxidation for 10-15 minutes. Then, the treated blood is refused into the body.
H.O.T cannot be use on patients with the following conditions:
Persons with risk of bleeding diathesis (red blood cell breakdown)
Persons with ozone allergy
Patients on thrombolytic drugs Must inform the physician before proceeding with the treatment

Candidates suitable for H.O.T
Anyone who wants to improve the cellular metabolism.
Anyone who is keen on preventive care as cellular oxidation is cellular detoxification which can be beneficial for many.
Patients with chronic diseases such as HIV, hepatitis, arthritis, Coxsackie virus, herpes simplex, herpes zoster, influenza, tuberculosis, pneumonia and more.
Patients with atherosclerosis and diseases such as hypertension, diabetes and cardiovascular disease.
Patients with immune-related diseases such as SLE and allergies.
Patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA).
Cancer patients (in combination with other treatment methods).
Patients with weak immunity.
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