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When the immunity...stops protecting us. It turns to destroy us.

If someone says, “Do you know about Autoimmune Disease?”, some people might ask to repeat the question. However, if we talk about SLE, most of them will say “Yes” definitely.

Autoimmune Disease is an anomaly of the immune system that creates abnormal cells and molecules. Instead of destroying the disease, it will destroy the cells of the body. It can destroy single or multiple types of cells and cause more than 100 types of diseases at present. In the past 10 years, the incidence of the disease has increased by 2-3 times and more than 80% in females. For example: Rheumatoid Arthritis; SLE; Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD); Psoriasis; Type 1 Diabetes; Hashimoto Thyroiditis; or Diseases in the nervous system, like MS or ALS. They are often caused by an unbalanced immune system.

Common symptoms are having low temperature and being tired intermittently. The initial diagnostic might be slow until the symptoms start to become severe. The symptoms are shown only in the organs where the immunity has been destroyed. Blood test with the combined symptoms can diagnose the disease.  

Autoimmune disease can be divided into the position of the organs causing the disease, which are (1) The diseases that destroy specific organs, such as Type 1 Diabetes which destroys the beta cells at the pancreas and Hashimoto Thyroiditis which destroys the thyroid gland cell; and (2) The diseases that destroy many systemic organs, such as Rheumatoid Arthritis, Scleroderma, and SLE which destroys the epithelial tissue, joints, and many systemic internal organs, especially the kidney, heart, and red blood cells. Many types of symptom occur, such as facial rash in the shape of butterfly, rash from the sun, paleness from the explosion of red blood cells, or brain symptoms, like headache or tonic convulsion.

American Autoimmune Related Diseases Association in 2018 states that about 50 million American people were sick from autoimmune disease and 25% of them have symptoms of more than one disease.

Some types of autoimmune disease are prevalent in the family, such as rheumatoid and SLE. Some types are related to infection, such as Campylobacter Jenuni. If infection occurs repeatedly or for a long time, it may cause Myasthenia Gravis. The autoimmune system is the response of the body towards Genetic Predisposition. For example: The body might have genes that cause inflammation or delay detoxification. Some genes may not activate, so we do not get sick. However, if they are stimulated by environmental factor, some genes will activate or cause immunity that destroys our own cells and causes disease. The environmental factors can be food, weather, stress, infection of chronic diseases, antibiotics or chemicals, pollution, deficiency of some types of vitamins and minerals, and receiving some types of herbs. Even the balance of microorganisms in the intestine can become

Integrated care for autoimmune disease

Conventional medicine emphasizes restraining inflammation, which is necessary to control the primary diseases by using non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs, steroids, drugs that change the disease, and drugs in the biomaterial group which activates by choosing the position to restrain the inflammation. The patients that respond well to the treatment will have no problem. However, some patients have side effects from the medication. When reducing the medication, the diseases cannot be controlled. In some cases, even with the highest dose, the diseases cannot be controlled or they become severe again when reducing the medication.

For this group of patients, integrative treatment can save their lives and lead to remission, the reduction of medication, or drug withdrawal. Integrative treatment focuses on eliminating the source of disease to hasten remission by using less medication and increasing the repair of cells and problematic organs to eliminate disease sustainably “with no recurrence.”

1. Reduce the creation of abnormal immunity by using the reaction of oxidation in the blood with the ozone for treatment (H.O.T.) to restrain severe diseases. The number of times is considered from suitability until remission of the disease occurs. The treatment should be continued for at least once a month. Since we cannot correct genetic predisposition, we must change the environment in our body to a constant. In Cuba, it was found that H.O.T. could reduce the immunity that causes the disease (reduce pathogenic immunoglobulin) without pressing the immunity and no side effects like using pulsed steroid therapy.

2. Eliminate the diseases that are the cause of creating molecules like the body by using multiple wavelength intravenous endolaser. For example: The wavelength for UV sterilization in a low intensity that will not affect the DNA; the wavelength to reduce inflammation; and the wavelength to increase the energy in the cells and strengthen white blood cells, including reducing the inflammatory reaction in the body. When the symptoms are severe, you can do it every day. When the symptoms get better, you can reduce the frequency. When you are cured, you should do it once a month to prevent recurrence.

3. Destroy abnormal immunity by using the immunostop vaccination to extract the abnormal immune reaction and turn it into vaccines. When the body receives the abnormal vaccine, it will create an immune reaction to destroy the abnormal ones.

4. Correct leaky gut Almost all patients with immune disease have leaky gut and unbalanced microorganisms for a long time. In solving the intestinal walls, the 4R’s gut healing of functional medicine are used, which are 1/R=Remove, 2/R=Replace, 3/R=Repair, and 4/R=Reinoculate to solve the problem sustainably.

5. CPT/FCT by using Mesenchyme Mesenchymal stromal cell to stop the cells from destroying themselves for quick remission.

6. Change food, which is an important part in controlling the disease and during the treatment of Item 4, the underlying food allergies should be checked. Those who have this disease should avoid milk, dairy products, bakery, all types of peanuts, eggs, and oranges. Eat multi-colored vegetables and fruits, berries, and good oil, like cold pressed coconut oil, cold pressed perilla seed oil, or olive oil.

7. Chelation, a heavy metal that stimulates severe autoimmune disease. Therefore, chelation is needed, whether by oral medication, suppository, or alpha lipoic acid through the blood vessels. It is another alternative to help during severe inflammation.

8. Nutraceutical The use of personalized vitamins and nutrition that can reduce inflammation by using different proportions for different individuals.

9. Balance the hormones Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT) will not have side effects and helps to balance the immunity.

10. Physiological Regulation Medicine uses biomaterials that can adjust the function of the ergonomic system to return to balance by preparing homeopathy with low intensity that is nearer to zero. Therefore, there is completely no side effects, but still provides good treatment results.


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