
Cancer! Everyone fears that word. Millions of people every day around the world are affected by it either directly or have been touched through someone they know or love. According to World Health Organization (WHO), Cancer is a generic term for a large group of diseases characterized by the growth of abnormal cells beyond their usual boundaries that can then invade adjoining parts of the body and/or spread to other organs. Cancer can affect almost any part of our body. There are different subtypes that each require specific medical care and management approaches. In recent years, Cancer has become the second leading cause of global death. In 2018, it is estimated that Cancer accounts for 9.6 million deaths.
Key facts about cancer (WHO): |
Cancer is the second leading cause of death globally, and is responsible for an estimated 9.6 million deaths in 2018. 1 in 6 deaths is due to cancer globally. |
About 30% of deaths from cancer are due to the 5 leading behavioural and dietary risks: high body mass index, low fruit and vegetable intake, lack of physical activity, tobacco use, and alcohol use. |
Infections caused by Cancer, such as hepatitis and human papilloma virus (HPV), are responsible for up to 25% of cancer cases in low- and middle-income countries. |
90% of high-income countries reported treatment services are available compared to less than 30% of low-income countries. |
Estimated 70% of deaths from cancer occur in countries with low- to middle-income level. |
Tobacco is responsible for approximately 22% of cancer deaths. |
Late-stage presentation and inaccessible diagnosis and treatment are common. Only 26% of low-income countries reported having pathology services. |
The economic impact of cancer is significant and is increasing. The total annual economic cost of cancer in 2010 was estimated at approximately US$ 1.16 trillion. |
What causes cancer?
Cancer begins when normal cells transforms into tumour cells. This process occurs in several stages changing pre-cancerous lesion to a malignant tumour. Changes are due to the interaction between genetic factors and several categories of external agents, including:
Physical agents, such as radiation
Work and living environments such as plastic chemicals, tobacco smoke, contaminant in food and drinks
Bacterial and Viral agents, such as HBV, HBC (that causes Hepatitis), Helicobacter pylori (that causes Gastroenteritis issues)
Pharmaceutical agents, such as medications (for certain hormones or those that causes immune deficiency).
As we all know, ageing is another key factor for the development of cancer. This is due to a build-up of risks for specific cancers that increases with age. Risk factors are combined with poor cellular repair mechanisms as a person age.
Reducing cancer risk
Many studies have shown that almost one third of cancer cases are actually preventable. Risk factors can be eliminated and implementing existing evidence-based preventive strategies are definitely the winning formula. Sedentary lifestyle is one of the key points of concern that everyone should really know about. A lot of people acquired primary and secondary health issues without being aware of the consequence that such a lifestyle can have. Absolute Health Group Founder and CEO, Dr Chatchai Sribundit emphasizes the important role that integrative medicine plays in today’s cancer management and in many cancer-care programs.
A well balanced lifestyle and healthy food have both long and short term benefits. ” Prevention is better than cure”. In the long run, preventive care in the form of regular exercises and maintaining a healthy weight reduces the risk of diseases like cancer and many other primary medical conditions. Dr. Chatchai stands firmly on 5 basic pillars which are as follows:
Medical intervention through various channels of medical protocols.
Diet & Nutrition where types of food intake and preparation is key.
Physical Therapy & Exercise should be a part of everyone in order to maintain a healthy lifestyle.
Emotional Wellness is half of the battle and can greatly affect one’s immune system
Education as in knowing and understanding the problem and finding a right curative path.
Cancer risk can also be greatly reduced through early detection with timely and proper patient management. Many cancers have a high chance of cure if diagnosed early and treated adequately. Cancer is NOT a death sentence.
Types of Cancer Treatment
Conventional treatments are therapy methods that are commonly used by hospitals and most medical professionals. Some of the treatment methods includes the following:
Surgical intervention
Radiation therapy and more
Surgical intervention is the main treatment method that provides positive results in eliminating cancer, especially in the initial stages. Chemotherapy or radiotherapy, or also known as “radiation treatment” also plays a vital role in conventional treatment methods.
However, studies have shown that surgery may cause the cancer to spread to a different site. In most cases, chemotherapy and/or radiation is needed after surgery. At times, patients would ask, why the results are not according to the plan after the surgery. This is because most times, patients are diagnosed at a late stage and hence making the treatment plan more susceptible to changes. The challenges of conventional treatments are as follows:
Though the cancer is all gone, we have not eliminated the cause, which is turning off the gene switch. This is a pitfall of these treatments.
Chemotherapy is effective in killing cancer cells. At the same time, it is the most severe carcinogen because it destroys the DNA and immune system. When the cells become abnormal, it cannot be eliminated and becomes cancer. Also, the radiation destroys DNA and mutates the cells. So, in conventional treatment, it might look like the cancer is gone at first. You cannot find the cancer by scanning and the cancer value from blood test is reduced making it look normal. However, the cancer will come back in a short time because the cell system in the body has received the mutagen, which is the chemotherapy. So, the good cells become cancer for the second time.
External factors are the carcinogens have many negative effects. If not changed, the cancer will return.
Integrative medicine approach
Integrative medicine combines conventional treatment methods with both complementary and alternative therapies. It is very patient-centered, making use of natural products, modification of lifestyle, diet, a mind-body-spirit healing journey together with conventional treatments like chemotherapy.
The goal of integrative medicine is to provide a variety of suitable treatment options, narrowing the gap between conventional and complementary medicine. Most importantly, the integrative approach involves the responsible use of science with responsiveness to the needs of patients.
We treat Cancer from its roots
At Absolute Health, we use a combination of methods to fight cancer. Our medical team combines in-depth knowledge, innovation, natural therapies together with conventional treatments for a more comprehensive and effective curative path. Our treatment models are as follows:
Detoxification therapy
It is to eradicate the retention and accumulation of toxins in the body, the digestive system, tissue system, and blood circulation which includes the lymphatic system.
Immune system restoration
Training the white blood cells to learn and eliminate cancer cells in the body by themselves by using vitamins and natural substances, oxygen therapy and increasing immunity by using one’s own cells. This new concept in cancer treatment is called Immunity Therapy. Treatment includes vaccinations to increase immunity and the use of biomolecule to stimulate the function of the cells in the immune system.
Restoring the metabolic system of cells
Adjusting the metabolic balance by focusing on eating health food or juice fasting, which has led to the concept of therapeutic diet.
Stimulating the function of genes that inhibits abnormal cell division
The abnormal division of cells is controlled by the function of gene in the cells, which is called Tumor Suppressor Gene. If the gene is abnormal and cannot function well, the cells will keep dividing until becoming malignant tumor. Therefore, stimulation of the Tumor Suppressor Gene will help to control the cancer. This can be done in several ways like, fasting or nutrition extract therapy like curcumin, green tea, and nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+). These treatments can boost immunity and improve the way the gene works.
Adjust the balance of the body
Lifestyle advises and adjustments from our team of experts. Example of things to avoid are as follows:
Staying up late
Food that can increase free radicals such as food with high sugar or fried
Processed meat that might be contaminated with preservatives
Concept of Cancer Stromal Cell
Current treatment, such as chemotherapy, will destroy only the cells that are divided from the Cancer Stromal Cells but cannot destroy the Cancer Stromal Cells directly. Therefore, the statistics of survival from such treatment, is not high. However, studies have found that natural extracts in herbs, such as Curcumin from turmeric, Boswells from Cassumunar ginger or Catechin EGCG from green tea leaves, can control the cancer gene. These natural medicaments have become an alternative form of treatment and in addition given hope to all cancer sufferers.
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