Theerasak Mongkol, MD
Diplomate, Thai Board of Orthopaedic surgery
Diplomate, Thai Board of Family Medicine.
Doctor of Medicine, Khon Kean University.
Certificate Orthopaedic and Pain, Hong Kong.
Certificate Team Physician development course, AFSM.
Certificate Muscle, Falls, Fracture, Frailty and Osteoporosis Aeraph Clinic Esslingen, Germany.
Certified attendance of Antiaging and Regenerative Medicine,Bangkok
Clinical Attendance viscosupplement therapy ,The Catholic University of Korea SEOUL ST.MARY HOSPITAL, South Korea
Education Background
1993 Doctor of Medicine, Khon Kean University
1987 Secondary School, Triamudom Suksa, Bangkok
1981 Primary School, Chonradsadornumrung, Chonburi
Medical Degree
2002 Diplomate,Thai Broad of Family Medicine, The Royal Collage of Family Physicians of Thailand
1997 Diplomate, Thai Broad of Orthopaedic Surgery, The Royal Collage of Orthopaedic Suroeons of Thailand
1993 School of Medicine Faculty of Medicine Khon Kean University
Post Graduate Study
2016 Clinical Attendance viscosupplement therapy ,The Catholic University of Korea SEOUL ST.MARY HOSPITAL, South Korea
2013 Certified of Attendance Antiaging and Regeneative Medicine,Bangkok
2012 Certified Participation the Ninth Hong Kong International Orthopaedic Forum “Orthopaedic and Pain” ,Hong Kong
2011 Certified of Completion Minimally Invasive Surgery Spine Course 1 Microscope and High Speed Drill in Spine Surgery Workshop, Bangkok Hospital
2010 Certified of Attendance the Third Strong Bone Asia, TOPF
2009 Certified of Attendance The Second Live Surgery and Lecture of Full Endoscopic Lumbar Dissectomy, Faculty of Medicine Ramathibodi Hospital and Faculty of Science Mahidol University St Anna Hospital Germany
2009 Certified of Attendance Muscle, Falls, Fracture, Frailty and Osteoporosis Aeraph Clinic Esslingen, Germany
2008 Falls Prevention Guildline for Aged.
2007 Certified team physician development course Asian Federation of Sports Medicine, AFSM
2008 Certified Fibromyalgia, TASP
Affiliaied Associations
Thai Medical Council of Thailand
The Royal Collage of Family Physicians of Thailand
The Royal Collage of Orthopaedics Surgeons of Thailand
The Medical Association of Thailand
Thai Association for the study of Pain
Thai Hip and Knee Society
Thai Orthopaedics Society for Sports Medicine
1. Orthopaedic surgery : trauma surgery,hip surgery,spine surgery
2. Regenerative intervention orthopaedic pain specialist
3. Regenerative injections therapy
4.integrative pain management
5.neutraceutical supplement
Dr. Theerasak is an experienced physician and a highly valued team member of the Absolute Health Regenerative Clinic.
He is an experienced Integrative and anti-aging medicine specialist who is as committed to his passion and purpose as a specialized Orthopedics physician as he was on the first day he got into medical practice and Integrative medicine.
Despite his extensive training and expertise, Dr. Theerasak continues to explore new techniques in Integrative medicine, particularly in the field of orthopedics. As a result, in his seven years of practice, numerous patients with Orthopedic difficulties, particularly pain, have lined up to see him. His knowledge is something he always maintains up to date in order to always give his patients the very best.
Complete treatment with overall perspectives.
Dr. Theerasak chose to be an Integrative physician because he had previously met numerous patients and learned several facts and benefits that Integrative medicine can bring. He discovered that conventional treatments were not truly effective. The majority of patients are treated for their symptoms rather than the underlying cause. Physicians can only treat with medication or physiotherapy, which can be referred to as a treatment, because there are no means to address the fundamental problem.
Dr. Theerasak has had the opportunity to treat patients and focus deeply on the cause of illnesses since becoming an Integrative physician seven years ago. He is equipped with various treatment techniques and tools that can be used with patients to treat the cause, such as H.O.T treatment or cell repairing treatment, which address the direct cause of the illness.
Furthermore, since he started practicing Integrative medicine, he is very impressed with Dr. Chatchai Sribundit, who is the founder of the Absolute Health Group. Dr. Chatchai has extensive experience in the field and is always up to date on current trends, including Integrative medicine. As a mentor, Dr. Chatchai’s drive and experience has kept Dr. Theerasak always hunger for knowledge and chance to experience the most effective treatment techniques.
Goals of the treatment
Dr. Theerasak's goal is to assist his patients in recovering from illness and finding happiness. He believes that people will be able to look after themselves and grasp the importance of food, exercise, emotions, and the mind, as well as immunity and vitamins, in order to avoid medicine and chemical dependency.
Understanding patients help select the right treatment.
Dr. Theerasak gives individualized consultation and explanations for each patient during each therapy. This is due to the fact that each patient has a distinct level of commitment and understanding. Some people are committed to take care of themselves, while others have different aims in mind, such as overcoming the illness and finding a better life solution.
His therapeutic philosophy is to treat patients while establishing a good relationship with them in order to alleviate their concerns. He spends enough time with patients and their caregivers to thoroughly explain treatment information and establish a mutual understanding between the physician, the patient, and the caregiver. With that said, he has gained plenty of trust which in turn help patients open their hearts and minds to changing their lifestyle towards better health.
Value of pure nature
Dr. Theerasak sees the majority of his patients for orthopedic issues, thus targeted injection becomes a viable choice for him because it is practical, safe, and successful. Injections such as Prolo Therapy can help to repair tendon, strengthen tissue, and when injected at specific acupuncture points, can help with the treatment of allergies, lethargy, headaches, and more.
There are also other neural spot injection know as Thera Therapy, and a cell repair injections. These therapies are mostly made from natural compounds and vitamins that are free of steroids and chemicals.
Integrative medicine's key benefit is that it is fully natural and non-chemical, therefore it provides the most benefit to the patients. There are no major side-effects, and the treatment protocol can also help patients recover from pain more quickly, making it extremely beneficial.
Healthy tips everyone can do
Dr. Theerasak has always emphasize on the point that patients should understand and take responsibility in managing their illnesses. The physician is merely a guide who provides the best options for self-care. Patients can heal if they are informed and take care of themselves, with the exception of particular circumstances that require medical attention.
Therefore, it is important to select treatments that can effectively cure the illness's fundamental cause. In addition, if everyone follows the five pillars of health such as healthy food, clear air, emotions balance, exercise, and detoxification, they will undoubtedly achieve good health.
Credentials and certifications
Dr. Theerasak is a firm believer in continuous learning. Having said that, he has the following credentials and certifications:
- Diploma, Thai Board of Orthopedic surgery
- Diplomate, Thai Board of Family Medicine
- Doctor of Medicine, Khon Kean University
- Certificate Orthopedic and Pain, Hong Kong
- Certificate Team Physician development course, AFSM
- Certificate Muscle, Falls, Fracture, Frailty and Osteoporosis, Aeraph Clinic Esslingen, Germany
- Certified attendance of Antiaging and Regenerative Medicine, Bangkok
- Clinical Attendance visco-supplement therapy, the Catholic University of Korea SEOUL ST. MARY HOSPITAL, South Korea
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