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Hyperthermia - The heat therapy that helps eliminate Cancer cells 

Hyperthermia is another supplementary treatment that can help eliminate cancerous cells. This is done by using heat to strengthen the immune system by raising the body’s temperature higher than normal (approximately 400C - 410C). The high temperature simulates a state of fever. When that happens, the body works more than usual which in turn helps to fight the infection, dilate the blood vessels and promote better blood flows to various parts of the body.

Hyperthermia can be done in two ways: Systemic Hyperthermia and Local Hyperthermia

  • Systemic Hyperthermia applies heat to all parts of the body and can be used to treat general diseases such as fever and the common cold while strengthening the immune system to accelerate recovery. This method can be used in cases of metastasized cancer. The treatment mechanism also helps with detoxification as it promotes blood flows and perspiration. 

Systemic Hyperthermia works by using Radiofrequencies Electro Hyperthermia which uses external electrical stimulation to increase temperature levels. The energy levels and treatment response durations can be selected to suit an individual’s condition. In addition, the heat from the therapy is transferred into the body optimally so it is not only felt on the skin.

  • Local Hyperthermia is performed on specific parts of the body. Clinical studies have found that this method yielded good results. It can help increase the efficacy of breast cancer treatment when used in conjunction with other types of treatment. However, this treatment method need close supervision as it may cause the skin to burn. 

At Absolute Heath, our innovative Hyperthermia equipment enable patients to press the stop button immediately on their own if they feel too hot or any discomfort during the treatment.  Staff members are always present onsite to provide assistance. Local hyperthermia can be carried out either by using Radiofrequencies Electro Hyperthermia or Magnetic Electro Hyperthermia.

Mechanism of action against Cancer

  • Cancerous cells cannot tolerate high temperature and therefore respond when the body’s temperature increases. The heat causes the cancerous cells to be eliminated. While the temperature is elevated, the body releases Heat Shock Protein, which in large numbers, will cause more immune cells to be released resulting in increased detection of cancerous cells.  

  • Death of cancerous cells through apoptosis is another type of specifically programmed cell death that occurs in the body. The process of eliminating the dead cells will Not damage nearby cells or cause inflammation later on.

Evaluating Hyperthermia treatment results

Both Hyperthermia treatment methods take approximately 1 hour for every session. For the purpose of detoxification, the number of treatment is done according to the physician’s advice which is commonly once per week. Cancerous cells elimination treatment is normally carried out approximately 3 times per week. However, treatment frequency will be determined by the body’s response to the Circulating Tumor Cell (CTC) test. The CTC result is taken into consideration when evaluating Hyperthermia treatment efficacy.

CTC can be used to detect the quantity and type of cancerous cells circulating in the blood stream from the proteins on the surface of the cells. In addition, it is also possible to examine the efficacy of specific treatment by processing the exact responses of each drug, vitamin or natural substance used. The test is highly sensitive and has the capability to trace the effects mentioned all the way up to the genetic level. Determining this enables the physician to choose the most appropriate treatment pathways for an optimal result.

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