When thinking of the “Golden Years”, most people might think about menopause in older females. However, males too experience hormonal changes (reduction of testosterone) as they grow older. The medical term for male menopause is andropause.
Warning signs for males in their golden years
Normally, the testosterone levels in male age 40 years old and above will reduce by about 1% each year. It will gradually reduce, but it will never stop. This is different when comparing females in their golden years. Ovaries will completely stop producing the female hormone. Therefore, changes during andropause will not become as obvious as and as severe as a menopause. However, in healthy males, the production of sex hormones can still be viable even at the age of 80. Note below some of the possible warning signs of andropause:
Physically issues like feeling fatigue in the morning and at night, reduced muscle size, metabolic syndrome and osteoporosis.
Intelligence and emotion changes, such as restless, irritation, inactivity, depression, decreased concentration and short-term memory regression.
Blood circulation issues that might cause flushing, lots of sweating and tachycardia.
- Sexual related issues such as impotence, erectile dysfunction and reduced ejaculation quantity and frequency.
Apart from age, which is a natural factor, there are some conditions that may be the catalyst for early andropause. They include working long hours, lack of sleep, stress, anxiety, alcohol, smoking plus secondary chronic medical conditions like diabetes or high blood pressure. On the other hand, a healthy lifestyle can slow down the time or problems that might occur from andropause. Therefore, living a balanced life, having proper sleep and eating high valued nutritional foods can be a benefit. Eating according to the nutritional principle by reducing fat, having more vegetables and fruits, can prevent prostate cancer, which has a high incident rate while having andropause. Moreover, mental health is another important factor. Sufferers should be optimistic, reduce stress and exercise regularly.
Menopause is a stage in life when women stop or finish having their menstruation cycle permanently. The function of the ovaries seizes and this in turn cause changes linked to the sex hormone or estrogen hormone that affects the body and mind, which. For ladies, these changes normally starts upon reaching the age of 40 years old and above. Once the ovaries stop working, there will be no ovulation and no creation of sex hormones. Thus, the organs that are related with the sex hormone level deteriorate, which then can lead to physical and mental changes. Some example are as follows:
- The endometrium will grow poorly. Menorrhagea or amenorrhea might occur. Some people might have abnormal bleeding. It was found that about 50-70 percent of women at this age will experience flushing and sweating at night or while sleeping. Most women with these symptoms find it irritating because it causes them to wake up mid-sleep causing insufficient sleep followed by headaches.
- Pain while having sexual intercourse as the function of glands that create the mucus to moisten the vagina reduces making the vagina feeling dry
- Insomnia will occur, which can create anxiety, stress, irritation and mood swings.
- Change in the level of fat in the blood stream will occur. Studies have found that the level of cholesterol, triglyceride, and LDL (Low Density Lipoprotein) will increase, whereas good cholesterol (useful) or what is called HDL (High Density Lipoprotein) will reduce. This in turn will increase the risk of having coronary artery disease.
- The bone density of females with recent menopause will rapidly reduce during the first 5 years due to the lack of estrogen.
Mentally, menopause creates anxiety, fear, irritation, anger, lack of self-confidence, suspicion, and inability to adapt to changes.
As a form of treatment, hormone replacement will be given so as to get the hormone levels back to the pre-menopausal stage. The use of external hormones, whether they are estrogen, progesterone or growth hormone has disadvantages and dangers. Therefore the use of the mentioned options are normally restricted to only 5 years. Studies have found that users of synthetic hormones regularly have a high tendency to have breast cancer, cervical cancer and intestine cancer.
Hence integrative medicine, is by far the safest recovery option available, The treatment protocols includes maintaining the organs and regenerating the cells that create the hormones naturally. Other procedures include, strengthening the immunity, detoxifying the toxins from the body and the blood vessels. In addition, supplementation of essential vitamins and minerals, such as choline, Vitamin B, CoQ10, lipoic acid, calcium, magnesium, and fish oil will also be part of the regime.
Using biomolecular treatment can also help to correct the symptoms by treating the cause. For example, the use of brain cells and pituitary gland cells to fix and recover the brain, which in turn allows the pituitary gland to produce hormones or activate the ovaries or testicles in order to create the sexual hormone. The use of ovarian and testicular cells fixes the targeted organ to function and prolong the production of sex hormones without causing any harm as compared to using external synthetic hormones. The pituitary gland can also produce the hormone to activate the thyroid gland, parathyroid, and adrenal gland. The pineal cell can maintain the pineal gland to secrete endorphin, serotonin and melatonin that can help with a deeper and longer sleep.
The principle of the treatment mentioned above is treating the problem at its root cause. This helps to fix the cells of the body to work well as pre-menopausal times by injecting CPT/FCT into the body. These peptides from cytoplasm that still has bio-availability was extracted from the embryo cells. These cells are cultured well and sterilized with no toxins by using acid to disintegrate the cell membrane. The cells injected are highly specific and targeted towards the original cell, regenerating cell function making the organs work better.
However, always keep in mind that prevention is better than cure. Therefore, please find some useful health tips below:
- Leading a disciplined life by having adequate sleep
- Abstaining from smoking and drinking alcohol
- Eating useful food and reducing food with flour, sugar, and fat
- Exercising regularly and reducing stress
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