Health Tips
A sweet substitute—the wise choice
For patients with diabetes and those who want to control their weight, the amount of sugar they consume must be strictly controlled. However, this is easier said than done.
Growth Hormones
Growth Hormone is an important hormone produced by the pituitary gland. It is very important for our health. This is especially true for people who are concerned about aging. Here are the key features and things you should know about Growth Hormone and they are as follows
Eating too fast can be a health hazards.
Did you know that eating fast with a normal or slow diet has different health effects?
Having problems sleeping or getting up early? This may be caused by adrenal fatigue.
The adrenal glands are small glands attached to the top of each kidney. The human body has two adrenal glands that release chemical messengers called hormones into the bloodstream. These hormones travel via the blood to have an action in other parts of the human body.
Poor health as a result of screen time on the phone before bedtime.
In the good old days, people used to read a book before bed. However, in this day and age, bedtime habits have changed. People tend to read or watch video clips on their smartphones as a pre-bedtime ritual.
Can heart attack occur with regular exercise?
In recent years, there has often been news of premature deaths, such as acute heart attacks, of many famous and well-known individuals, but what is even more shocking is that these individuals are fitness enthusiasts and, at most times, healthier than the average person.
4 warning signs of poor gut healthy
The digestive system and gut health are very important to our health. This is because if you want to be healthy, the first thing to do is to focus on taking care of the health of the gut.
Weak bodies may increase the risk of cancer recurrence.
Cancer is treatable. However, getting diagnosed early may not imply a lower risk.
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