Homeopathy the Natural Medicine
Homeopathy is one of five alternative medicine around the world recognized by the World Health Organization (WHO) as being effective and scientific.
Enhancing immunity against viruses with natural supplements
The pandemic outbreak here in Thailand and many other countries around the world has raised concerns among many people. What is even more scary is the fact that many people are asymptomatic even though having contracted it. Having said that, we can take preemptive measures to stay safe.
Cancer Screening Test( EDIM TEST ) - A breakthrough in technology for early cancer screening
Cancer is an illness that has one of the highest rates of death here in Thailand. However, we can now take measures to reduce the number of deaths. One of the ways to increase the chances of survival is by detecting abnormalities early. The Cancer Screening Test( EDIM TEST ), covers almost all types of cancer and is one of the most comprehensive tests available.
Diabetes and the harmful effects of sugar
Many studies have confirmed the association between large sugar intake and obesity.
Overcome Cancer with Integrated Medicine
Cancer is a disease that is a major public health problem here in Thailand. According to the Ministry of Public Health of Thailand, cancer is the number one cause of death in the country. It has also been found that there are an average of 336 new cases per day or an average of 122,757 people per year, with 215 deaths per day or 78,540 annually.
Unlocking The Key To Weight Lost Failure
When it comes to losing weight, the key is determination. Losing weight successfully is inspirational and at the same time helps one to build and gain self-confidence. Some people are motivated by good health and longevity, while some just focus on looking good.
PM2.5 (Toxic micro-dust) – What you need to know and do
As the world focus on COVID, here in Thailand, we too seem to forget the pollution problem we have. Toxic micro-dust known as PM2.5 was the key driving factor to the increase in sales and trendiness of the mask wearing fashion way before Wuhan brought COVID to the world.
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