Feeling tired and don’t know why
There are many cases where patients experience fatigue for a very long period of time without knowing the actual cause
The affects of Heavy Metal
Studies show that heavy metals, in low quantities in the body though cannot cause poisoning, but can damage the body in many ways.
Liver Detox
The liver plays a very important role and is one of the hardest working organs in the human body that.
Benefits of Modified Myer’s Cocktail and Vitamin Therapies
Intravenous nutritional therapy or nutritional medicine is one of the best treatment methods that can help solve many health issues
Chest pain and discomfort, warning signs you should know
The heart is the organ that works the hardest in the human body. It works all day and all night throughout 24 hours literally for a life time without taking a break. Every day
Regeneration in the Golden Years
When talking about the “Golden years”, most people might understand that it means females with menopause. However, males enter the golden years as well when the production of male hormones or testosterone is reduced. In medical terms, male menopause is called “Andropause”.
Foods to Stay Away from if suffering from Diabetes
Having high levels of insulin can cause problems. Therefore, certain group of medications should be avoided, especially the Sulfonylurea group of medicine as they can activate more insulin in the body
Risks of Cardiovascular Disease
Cardiovascular disease is one of the main causes of death in the world today. According to the statistics
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